Internet has changed the way of living. It has changed the way people look at life. It has made the world a smaller place. You no longer have to stand in queues to book your train ticket. You can do it with just a few clicks sitting at home. And when it comes to business, it has changed the entire concept of trade. The whole world is a market place. A market place, where any entrepreneur can sell his products or services however big or small they may be. Internet has given people the option of using the entire world as their target audience. As an entrepreneur you can target any part of he world or any section of society in the world. All you need is to make people know that you have the product. The best way of doing this is by having your own website. Many web hosting companies give this facility at such menial costs when you are looking at the world as a market. Keep the website simple. Don’t put in unnecessary information of your product. Like if you are dealing with selling of cars then don’t put information about free new computers or software’s on the site. Keep it informative to your topic. The content added should contain keywords related to your product. This will help when search engines are indexing the websites. Make the site easy to edit. Don’t make too big pages as it would take long time to load. Attract the users by putting catchy titles and pleasant page colors. You could even add links off other sites to yours. If it’s the same car website, you can add links of car manufacturers, car spare-part dealers, etc. This increases the back links of your site and thus helps in increasing Google page rank. The contact page should contain all the information your client would require to get n touch with you.
An additional advantage having a website is to advertise other products on your site. You can put ads of various companies and individuals on your site. Speed PPC is an excellent tool for this. You just need to insert this code in the source code of your website and within less than an hour you will have ads of the required subject on your website. Speed PPC will show advertisements on your website as per the keywords you have asked for. If you want ads of cars and its accessories in your advertisement space then only those advertisements will appear. These campaigns are very easy to setup. When the use clicks on theses ads the website owner gets paid a particular amount. This depends on how much the ad is worth. The ads don’t depend on whether there is more traffic or less traffic to the sites also. You can even add bookmarks to your website. Incase the user wants to bookmark your site he or she can do it with just a click.
The Assistant experience on mobile is upgrading to Gemini
Over the coming months, we’ll be upgrading users on mobile devices from
Google Assistant to Gemini.
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