From clothes to fish, shoes to cars, screws & bolts to books & pens. There is not a commodity that a person needs that you wouldn’t find on the internet. If you want to buy a car or even sell your hair styling services the internet is your advertising means. It is the best way to let the world know who you are. All you need is a website or a blog to make people know your product or service. It’s not as difficult as it seems to make a website. Many websites give you the option of having a free web domain. Even allows users to create blogs free of cost. All you need is a Google email id. This doesn’t require any monetary investment from you except a little of your time.
Once logged in, select a nice name for your blog. Avoid making it a little long. You also have the options to select your layouts. Choose a pleasant one so the user will feel like clicking on your page. You can even customize the headers & footers for you pages. You can even add widgets like of, daily news, calendar, etc. to your page to make it attractive. A very interesting thing you could do it to add videos to your blog. Upload the videos on and copy the code in your blog. Hence you will be able to give a live demo of your product or service to the user. You also should add a Contact Me page. It’s very important to add all your contact details like email id, phone number, address etc.
An important thing to keep in mind while writing the content of your pages is the keywords. Make sure you add a few of them so that the get indexed in Google for the SEO and SEM point of view. Just having the website wont help if it’s not indexed in Google. The page titles also should have a few keywords in them. Do a little research and get links from other sites or blogs to yours. This is called link building. It helps in increasing your backlinks and would help in increasing your Google page ranking.
At the same time when you are promoting and advertising your product you can also earn online. PPC is an excellent tool for this. Like Google adsense this tool is very easy to setup. Personally speaking adsense takes weeks to get activated. PPC is the best choice among the various pay per click tools. All you have to do is to copy the code to the source code of you site or blog. Advertisements of various companies and firms will appear. You will get paid for whoever clicks on those ads according to the cost per click of the ad. Theses campaigns can be setup by giving in the keywords for which you want the ads to appear. Within an hour you can setup a campaign of hundreds of keywords.
The Assistant experience on mobile is upgrading to Gemini
Over the coming months, we’ll be upgrading users on mobile devices from
Google Assistant to Gemini.
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