Can Youtube Be Used To Generate New Business Sales Leads?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The clear answer is yes. The question is why do most companies avoid using YouTube, or if they do start to use it, usually neglect to maintain and optimise their YouTube channel? Why do marketing managers not integrate the use of video as part of their social media strategy?

Maybe the reason is that a lot of businesses see YouTube purely as a place where individuals can gain traction, but companies but can't cut it. I want to dispel that myth in this post and explain what it takes for a business to do well on YouTube.

Remember when you're building a channel on YouTube you're not just planning to get people to find your business through YouTube. Since Google bought YouTube it's been including videos increasingly more in it's search engine results pages (SERP) and with the fragmentation of the SERP due to universal search, adding the use of video to your social media strategy is definitely a must!

Let's look at some case studies where companies have successfully used YouTube as part of their social media strategy.

(Note: I deliberately tried not to include big brands in these case studies – we haven't all got the budgets of Nike or Google!) 

This company produce 'How To' tips and advice on just about anything you'd care to mention.   They have successfully built you a strong fan base on YouTube. Their videos are well presented, but by no means has their been expensive production costs. The people in the videos come across as very knowledgeable about their particular field of expertise. Ok, so you might think this company is custom fit to produce videos  – no so. If you look at their website for an example, let's say How To Build a Light Meter this is all text, no video in sight.